The Ganesh festival is Mumbai’s most colourful and action-packed event, with celebrations and processions all over the city. For ten days, the city welcomes and honours the Elephant God, with prayers, dance and music. At the end of the festival, idols are immersed in the sea. There are several ‘immersion days’, as not all idols are immersed at the same time.
If you would like to participate in the festival, you can join our festival tours. During the installation day, we have visits to the idol workshops, to watch people purchase idols and take them home amidst music. On all days of the festival, you can visit big and small pandals, walk through the bazaars, taste the special sweets and dishes that are offered to the deity and obtain darshan and prasad (blessings). On the immersion days we can take you to the beaches to see the processions and the final prayers as people bid adieu to Ganesh.
Please write to or to check the dates for the festival and what you can do on the dates that you are here. You can either join an existing tour (if the logistics work out), or we could set up a private tour for you.